News You Should Know: IRS Releases Tax Adjustments for 2025
News You Should Know
October 23, 2024
IRS Releases Tax Inflation Adjustments for Tax Year 2025 | Internal Revenue Service
The new year is just two months away, and the Internal Revenue Service has announced some important tax-related updates. For tax year 2025, the IRS is making adjustments to various tax provisions based on inflation, including the standard deduction, marginal tax rates, earned income tax credits, and more.
Medicare Wants to Make These Generic Drugs Available for Just $2 | Quartz
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released a list of dozens of prescription medications that may be included in a pilot program to provide low-cost generic versions of drugs. The drugs—which include popular medications such as inhalers, antibiotics, blood thinners, and cholesterol pills—would be available for $2 beginning in 2027.
New Blood Tests for Alzheimer’s May Allow for Earlier Detection | UCHealth Today
Multiple companies have been rolling out new blood tests to help screen for Alzheimer’s disease, aiming to someday replace expensive and invasive procedures like spinal taps and imaging scans. Experts at UCHealth say that while the new tests are promising, there’s still more research that needs to be done before they can be made widely available, and the tests are not yet FDA-approved or covered by insurance or Medicare.
How to Step Confidently Into Your Life After Retirement | Kiplinger
Retiring is a major life change that goes beyond a change in employment status, and that move often involves a shift in identity. Here are some tips for handling the transition and embracing a new phase of life.
News You Should Know is a digest of news from publications around the nation about finance, investing, and retirement.
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