Retirement Roundup: Local and Rural Areas Look for Aid
News You Should Know
April 29, 2020
A digest of news from publications around the nation about finance, investing, and retirement.
Colorado Needs Local And Rural Federal Coronavirus Aid, But It May Be Slow Coming | CPR
Colorado has received $2.2 billion in federal aid. Major population centers received about a quarter of the funds directly. The state legislature is charged with sorting out the rest. Some are concerned the dollars won’t be spread around evenly. But nearly all agree: However the money is sorted out, communities everywhere will still face major shortfalls.
Are We Going to Get a Second Round of Stimulus Checks for $2,000 Each Month? | Kiplinger
Colorado’s per capita income in 2018 was about $36,000. That means that the recent federal stimulus checks of up to $1,200 per person cover about two weeks of income. For those who have lost earned income, the big question is: “what happens next?” On the heels of the CARES Act, some legislators are talking about sending out additional stimulus checks.
Why State Budget Officials Worry About COVID-19’s Impact on Sales Taxes | PEW Trusts
Sales taxes tend to be a less volatile form of income for states relative to other taxes, such as corporate income or oil extraction. However, with a sudden, precipitous drop in consumer spending, this usually reliable revenue source is now shakier than in past recessions.
Determining Sustainable Spending From An Investment Portfolio In Retirement | Forbes
Investment returns, longevity assumptions, assumed rate of return—these are terms you might be familiar with when reading about PERA’s DB funds. But the same concepts apply to individual plans, like a 401(k), especially when asking how much you can safely withdraw from those accounts in retirement.
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