Retirement Roundup: Gallup Poll Says Most Americans Plan to Work Past 65
News You Should Know
May 16, 2017
A digest of timely information and insight about finance, investing, and retirement
Most U.S. Employed Adults Plan to Work Past Retirement Age | Gallup
New polling data reveals that most Americans plan to work past the traditional retirement age of 65. Interesting trend data shows more Americans plan to stay in the workforce longer.
10 Retirement Stats That Will Blow You Away | MSN Money
Here’s some key data that might open your eyes to the reality of our country’s retirement crisis.
Americans Fail Retirement Planning Literacy Quiz, Low Literacy Linked to Poor Planning | Forbes
Can you pass the American College of Financial Services quiz? Seventy-five percent of Americans didn’t.
Senior Discounts Aren’t Just for Seniors Anymore | New York Times
The world can easily become a less expensive place through the use of several apps designed for those 50 years old and over.
10 numbers that can make or break your retirement | AZ Central via Nerd Wallet
Key numbers to focus on to provide guidance on how to plan, how much to save and how to invest for the future.
WHY PENSIONS MATTER: The history of defined benefit pension plans in the United States of America | NPPC
History clearly shows that providing workers with a secure and dignified retirement through a pension is good for workers, taxpayers, society and the economy, according to the National Public Pension Coalition.
How to plan for your later retirement years | MarketWatch
Planning ahead for retirement paid off for this retiree. How to prepare for the “slow-go” years in retirement.
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